- Lindbergh Schools
- Digital Wellness
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Digital Wellness
Lindbergh Schools is dedicated to supporting digital wellness and providing families and teachers with resources to ensure that time spent online is productive, educational and responsible. Our framework for supporting digital wellness includes five areas of focus, including:
- Inclusive
- Informed
- Engaged
- Balanced
- Alert
Within those areas, specific goals and standards have been created for students in each grade level. Most importantly, we want students to form healthy, positive and intentional relationships with technology.
Click on each icon below for more information.
I am open to hearing and respectfully recognizing multiple viewpoints. I engage with others online with respect and empathy.
How do I engage with others so they feel valued, respected and welcome?
- I show empathy and respect for others' thoughts, feelings and perspectives.
- I accept and value viewpoints that are different than my own.
- I listen and support others.
- I work to understand why people feel and act differently.
- I communicate positively and can disagree with others respectfully.
- I treat others with respect when providing feedback.
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I evaluate the accuracy, perspective and validity of digital media and social posts.
How do I find the information I am looking for and determine its accuracy?
- I explore new ideas to stimulate curiosity.
- I read to ask and answer questions.
- I recognize when the author is trying to persuade the reader.
- I seek a variety of sources and perspectives when researching.
- I draw conclusions after considering different viewpoints.
- I consider the source of information and consider potential biases.
- I question the accuracy and relevance of information.
- I give credit to the source of information I share.
Related Resources
I use technology and digital channels for civic engagement, to solve problems and to be a force for good in both physical and virtual communities.
How do I leverage technology to be a force for good in my community?
- I design solutions for personal, local and global challenges.
- I understand my role and responsibilities as a community member.
- I research the problems affecting my community and the world.
- I work to understand the people who are affected by the problem.
- I collaborate with people bringing different perspectives to generate a variety of solutions.
- I consider the pros and cons of potential actions and solutions.
- I communicate my ideas in a respectful way and value the ideas of others.
Related Resources
I make informed decisions about how to prioritize my time and activities, online and offline.
How do I create a healthy balance of technology use and offline activities?
- I manage time and organize myself.
- I am aware of my technology habits and how they affect my health and relationships.
- I limit distractions to improve my productivity and sleep.
- I set time and place boundaries for my technology use.
- I take short technology breaks while working to protect my health.
- I customize my devices to reduce distractions.
- I choose activities online that grow my creativity and connect me with others.
Related Resources
I am aware of my online actions, and know how to be safe and create safe spaces for others online.
How do I stay safe online and keep others safe?
- I take initiative, demonstrate leadership and make sound decisions.
- I tell a trusted adult when I find something online that worries me.
- I control the personal information I share with others online.
- I respect the privacy of others, only posting or sharing information with permission.
- I recognize my digital footprint and treat others respectfully.
- I interact with people I trust and block people that make me feel uncomfortable.
- I recognize scams and suspicious links and avoid clicking on them.
- I use strong and secure passwords and do not share them.
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