- Lindbergh Schools
- Guidelines and Procedures
- Administrative Procedure KG-AP(1)
Facility Use
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Administrative Procedure KG-AP(1)
Community Use of District Facilities
Lindbergh Schools permits the use of district facilities by individuals and groups as defined in Policy KG.
Application for Use
All individuals and groups permitted to use district facilities in accordance with Policy KG may reserve facilities by completing an application. The application form is available on the district's website.
- The application should be made at least two weeks prior to the date of requested use to allow for processing.
- The individual or group representative applying to use district facilities must be at least 21 years old and must sign the district's application.
- The group representative must have the legal authority to bind the group contractually. This representative is responsible for the actions of the group and is required to arrive prior to the gathering and remain until all persons leave.
- The application must be accompanied by proof of insurance in the same amount that the district carries, a completed indemnity and hold harmless agreement signed by the individual or group representative, and any applicable deposits and fees. The district may provide information regarding event insurance, when applicable.
Once approved by the superintendent or designee, a copy of the application to serve as a permit authorizing use of the facility.
Scheduling an Event
Before attempting to schedule an event, individuals and groups should consult the district's activity calendar, available on the district's website, to determine the availability of facilities. This calendar reflects currently scheduled district activities.
Facility use fees are set by the Board of Education. If the superintendent or designee determines that an employee is necessary to assist an individual or group using district facilities, and that providing this assistance will disrupt the employee's regular job duties or cause the employee to work extra hours, the district will charge for the cost incurred by the district for providing the employee assistance. When an employee's presence is deemed necessary, individuals and groups may not use the facility unless the designated employee is available at the requested time. Employees may volunteer to provide such employee assistance only with the approval of their supervisor and only when volunteering will not require the payment of overtime or compensatory time and is otherwise permitted pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Adequate police or security protection, as determined by the superintendent or designee, may be required at the expense of the individual or group using the district's facilities. A member of the district's food service staff must be present when a kitchen used by the district for its food service program is used by an individual or group.
Available Spaces
Only the following spaces are available for use, unless an explicit exception is granted by the superintendent or designee:
- Classrooms
- Auditoriums
- Athletic Fields
- Gymnasiums
- Playgrounds
- Cafeterias
- Kitchens
- Library Media Centers
- Pools
Day and Time Restrictions
The following rules apply unless an explicit exception is granted by the superintendent or designee:
- District-sponsored groups and activities will receive priority over any other use. The district will deny requests if the superintendent or designee determines that the use may disrupt a district-sponsored activity or event nearby or otherwise distract from a district function. A scheduled use may be canceled, and any fees refunded, if a district-sponsored group needs to use the facility.
- Use during the school day will be approved only when the superintendent determines that the use would not interfere with the orderly operation of the district or create a safety issue to students or staff. Unless otherwise approved by the superintendent or designee, community use of district facilities will begin no earlier than 7 a.m. and conclude by 9 p.m.
- The superintendent or designee will maintain the official community use calendar and clearly designate any days on which the district's facilities may not be used.
- When the district or the district building to be used is closed due to inclement weather or an emergency, all uses will be canceled for that day and fees will be refunded.
- Individuals and groups must notify the district of cancellations at least 24 hours prior to the date of the scheduled use to be eligible for a full refund of fees paid for facility use unless there are extenuating circumstances rendering such notice impossible.
Use Requirements and Restrictions
The following rules apply unless an explicit exception is granted by the superintendent or designee:
- Approved applications will serve as permits to use district facilities. Users must make the permits available for district staff to review during all authorized use periods. A permit to use district facilities granted to one individual or group is not transferrable to a different individual or group.
- Groups and individuals will be provided access only to the rooms or spaces specifically requested in the application and only for the dates requested and approved.
- Individuals and groups may use desks, chairs and tables located in the room or facility designated for the individual's or group's use, but otherwise a permit to use district facilities does not give permission for the individual or group to use district equipment, such as interactive whiteboards, computers, electronic equipment, projectors, kitchen appliances, scoreboards or athletic gear. The superintendent or designee may provide access to equipment at his or her discretion and may charge a fee or a security deposit for such use. The superintendent or designee may determine that some equipment may be used only by district staff. In these cases, the individual or group will be charged for the cost of providing a knowledgeable employee unless the employee volunteers to operate the equipment without charge subject to the limitations stated previously in this procedure.
- The person who made the reservation is responsible for maintaining order and monitoring the behavior of those attending, including supervising any children in attendance. Excessive noise or disturbance to neighbors of the facility or other persons using district facilities is prohibited. The district does not assume any liability for the behavior or actions of individuals or groups.
- All individuals and groups using district facilities are required to follow the law; district policies, regulations and procedures; and directives from district staff. The use, possession or sale of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, fireworks, explosives or weapons is prohibited. Persons under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs are not permitted on district property.
- Gambling is prohibited, except for raffles and sweepstakes conducted by charitable organizations in accordance with law.
- Individuals and groups may not bring live animals onto district property unless they are service animals allowed by law or pursuant to an exception granted by the superintendent or designee.
- Individuals and groups are not allowed to use district facilities for storage.
- Individuals and groups are expected to leave the facility neat, orderly and as clean as it was prior to use. Nothing may be attached to the walls, ceilings or floors without prior approval.
- Users are prohibited from playing music, showing movies or using any copyrighted or trademarked work without first obtaining permission from the copyright holder, securing a license for use or otherwise ensuring that the use does not violate the law.
Failure to obey district rules could result in forfeiture of security deposits or refunds and denial of all future requests for use. In addition, the district will take all legal action to collect for any damage done.
- The application should be made at least two weeks prior to the date of requested use to allow for processing.