Lindbergh Schools Procedure KI-AP(2)

  • Use of District Resources to Distribute Information

    It is the intent of the district to operate a nonpublic forum and, except as allowed in this procedure, communication from outside groups is prohibited on district property or using district resources. For the purposes of this procedure, communication includes, but is not limited to, signage; verbal announcements using communication equipment; pamphlets; handouts; distribution through district technology; other distribution of information; or the solicitation of information including, but not limited to, political campaigning. This procedure does not prohibit speech in circumstances where it is protected by law.

    District communication may be used to share information about the following organizations and/or their activities:

    • District-sponsored extracurricular clubs and activities
    • Curriculum-related information
    • Parent/Guardian Organizations (KMA)
    • Booster Organizations (KMB)
    • Local/County Governmental Authorities (KNA)
    • State/Federal Governmental Authorities (KNC)
    • Law Enforcement Authorities (KNAJ)
    • Student-initiated organizations recognized by the school
    • School and district-sponsored events

    All groups affiliated with the district must be recognized by the Board of Education and work collaboratively with the district to achieve its goals. Groups that are political in nature or duplicate services provided by the district will not be permitted to use district resources to share communication.

    All content must be consistent with the mission and vision of the district and compliant with district policies, procedures and regulations. Communication will also be evaluated based on the educational value of the content and the age or maturity of students in the intended audience.

    The district may control the content of communication as allowed by law. Minimally, communication on district property or using district resources may not include information or materials that:

    • Are obscene to minors.
    • Are libelous.
    • Are pervasively indecent or vulgar (secondary schools) or contain any indecent or vulgar language (elementary schools), as those terms are defined, explained or applied in Policy IGDBA.
    • Advertise any product or service not permitted to minors by law.
    • Advocate or promote conduct that is unlawful.
    • Violate the Student Code of Conduct or advocate in favor of violating the Student Code of Conduct.
    • Constitute support for or opposition to a ballot measure or candidate for public office.
    • Violate any provision of the district’s non-discrimination policies including, but not limited to, the prohibitions against discrimination, harassment, and retaliation on the basis of race, religion sex, ethnic origin, age, disability, or any other protected category.
    • Constitute insulting or fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses other people (e.g., threats of violence, defamation of character or of a person's race, religion, sex, ethnic origin, age, disability, or any other protected category).
    • Present a clear and present likelihood that, either because of their content or their manner of distribution, they will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities or will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful school procedures.