- Lindbergh Schools
- Evaluation Process
Special Education
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Qualifying for Services
Before receiving special education services, your student must be referred and evaluated by members of our special education team. The information below provides an overview of the evaluation process used to determine special education services eligibility. Please note that steps two and three are not completed for early childhood education students.
Evaluation Process
1. Identify Educational Concerns
Educational concerns relevant to a student may be identified in the classroom and from parents.
2. Implement Intervention Strategies
Once an educational concern has been identified, the student's general education teacher, in consultation with a Building-Level Team, will attempt a variety of intervention strategies with the student and share the results of the interventions with the student's parents prior to making a decision about evaluation. The emphasis throughout the entire intervention process is to meet the educational, social, emotional and other needs of students in a general education setting and to gather data documenting response to those interventions.
3. Review by Building-Level Team
The Building-Level Team reviews the data and determines whether the intervention strategies have successfully addressed the concern(s). If not, the team communicates its continuing concerns to the student's parents and seeks their insight and support in developing additional strategies for resolving the concern(s). Many students who are referred to a Building-Level Team are not referred for special education evaluation if the concerns can be addressed with supports provided within the general education setting.
4. Completion of Data-Gathering Packet
The data-gathering packet should document concerns and the basis for those concerns. Developmental history and adaptive behavioral information from parents is included, as well as medical diagnoses or educational testing results from other sources. The data-gathering packet is forwarded to the Joint Review Committee.
5. Review by Joint Review Committee
The Joint Review Committee consists of a representative from the partner district (typically a school counselor) and a representative from Special School District (typically a diagnostician). The committee determines whether an evaluation is warranted by reviewing the referral packet for completeness and appropriateness based on Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education guidelines. The decision to evaluate requires a consensus of committee participants and is binding on both the partner district and Special School District. Before a decision can be made, the committee reviews the data packet to determine whether:
- The Building-Level Team has identified specific concerns that have an adverse educational impact
- There is a suspicion of an educational disability
- The severity of that disability might warrant special education and related services
6. Referral to Special School District
If the Joint Review Committee determines that the student should be referred for evaluation, the Special School District representative involved in the review activities will notify the parents in writing of the decision. Parents also will receive:
- A written explanation of the procedural safeguards
- Parents Bill of Rights
- An explanation of the proposed action(s)
7. Review of Existing Data
If it is determined that an evaluation is warranted, an evaluation plan is developed through a review of existing data to identify what additional information is required in order to identify:
- Whether the student is eligible for services through identification as a student with an educational diagnosis based on state criteria
- The student's “Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance,” which is based on how the student is currently performing in school
- Whether that disability interferes with the student's educational performance
- Whether the student needs special education and related services
- Whether, in the case of a re-evaluation, any adaptations or modifications are needed to enable the student to meet Individualized Education Plan annual goals and participate, as appropriate, in the general education curriculum
8. Notice and Consent for Evaluation
Notice of Action and Consent to Evaluate must be provided within 30 days of referral for evaluation. Written parental consent, which usually occurs at a “Review of Existing Data" meeting, must be obtained prior to conducting any assessments. This consent must meet the “Prior Written Notice” requirements as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act:
- A description of the action proposed
- An explanation of why the action is being taken
- A description of the options considered and why they were rejected
- A description of each evaluation procedure, test, record or report used as a basis for the action
- A description of any relevant factors considered (if there were “none,” it must so state)
- Information about how to obtain a copy of Procedural Safeguards and who to contact for interpretive information
9. Completion of Evaluation
During the 60 days after consent to evaluate has been obtained, assessments in areas identified as concerns are completed by Special School District school psychologists, examiners and teachers.
10. Eligibility Conference
At the eligibility conference, evaluators share their assessment results, and a determination is made concerning whether or not the student is eligible for special education services according to state criteria. The team will also discuss issues related to access to the general education curriculum.
11. Development of Individualized Education Plan
An IEP is:
- A legal document outlining the complete educational program for a student with a disability
- Written by an IEP team consisting of the student's parents or guardians, a general education teacher, a special education teacher, representatives of the local school district and Special School District, and an individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results
- Written in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- Developed within 30 days of diagnosis
12. Placement Notice and Consent to Place
The special education placement for each student with a disability is based on the student’s IEP. To the maximum extent appropriate, this placement will be in the student’s home school and district. Parental consent must be obtained prior to any initial placement.
13. Provision of Services Begins