Inclement Weather and School Closings

  • In the event of inclement weather, we will decide to close school based on a number of factors, including student safety, bus transportation, road conditions and wind chill temperature.

    When possible, the decision to close school is made by 10 p.m. the night before; however, inclement weather events often occur in the early morning. If the decision cannot be made by 10 p.m., then a decision will be made between 5-5:30 a.m. the next morning.

    Our school district uses the following tools to communicate school closures due to inclement weather:

    • Text: Families and staff will receive a text from us anytime the district is closed due to inclement weather.

    • Email: All families and staff will receive an email notification when school is closed.

    • Phone: Families and staff will receive a phone call if the decision to cancel school is made during the day or before 10 p.m.

    • Website: Inclement weather information will be posted on the homepage of our district website.

    • Social Media: Follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram for weather-related closures.

    • Mobile App: Download the Lindbergh Schools mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to receive push notifications for weather-related closures.

    • Local News: Lindbergh Schools will be listed on all major TV and radio stations in the event of a weather-related closure.