Communication at Board Meetings

  • Lindbergh Schools Board of Education members are elected to serve the public, and the board seeks to conduct its business transparently. The district encourages the public to attend open school board meetings and other public meetings. In addition, there are some instances where members of the public may be provided the opportunity to speak at a school board meeting.The board has created the following options for receiving input from students, employees and community members. 

    Policy BDDH-1: Public Participation at Board Meetings provides a detailed description of the opportunities for community engagement that are listed below, and how patrons can engage with the Board of Education.

    • BDDH-1: Public Participation at Board Meetings

    Citizen Communication Regarding Agenda Items

    Any individual or group who would like to address the Board of Education regarding an agenda item must sign up prior to the beginning of the meeting. Visitors wishing to comment must provide their name, address and the agenda item on which they will speak. (Addresses are not shared publicly and are used to determine residency.) The board reserves the right to limit the number of and speaking time of spokespersons appearing before the board.

    Citizen Communication Regarding Non-Agenda Items 

    In accordance with Missouri state law (162.058, RSMo.), residents may now submit a written request  to address the Board of Education regarding non-agenda items during a future board meeting. These requests can be made in writing to the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Education.  

    Grievance Policies and Procedures

    The district has established several policies and procedures to assist students, parents/guardians, staff and the public in bringing concerns or grievances to the district. The board encourages the public to utilize these policies and procedures before bringing concerns to the board and may refer the public to these processes prior to taking action. 

    In addition, there are additional legal processes created by law to address concerns about accommodating students with disabilities or concerns about a student's special education program.