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8th-12th Grade Standards-Based Learning Task Force Update: January 16, 2025

January 16, 2025

On Monday, January 13th, the 8th - 12th grade standards-based learning task force, comprised of teachers, parents, students, and administrators, met in their continued study of how standards-based learning could be applied in Lindbergh Schools beyond 7th grade.  During the meeting, teachers shared current high school grading practices, and the committee spent time reviewing recent parent, student, and teacher survey data on current standards-based learning practices.  

Task force discussions highlighted that standards-based practices such as the use of proficiency scales and learning expectations to support learning growth are powerful, but that work is still needed on the grading application in order to support the needs of families and students.  

As the task force continues their work and develops priorities, this feedback will influence the ongoing K-7 processes and impact any timelines for 8 -12th grade recommendations.

The task force meets again in February to discuss the implementation of similar programs both locally and across the nation.  The task force will continue to communicate their work, and a final recommendation is expected in May of this school year.