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Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee Update: December 3, 2024
December 6, 2024
The Teaching and Learning Board Advisory Committee focused on community engagement and identification of priorities as they relate to the implementation of Standards-Based Learning for grades 8-12 during its meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 3.
LHS NAVIGATOR: Chief Academic Officer Dr. Tara Sparks opened the meeting by providing an update on work surrounding the Lindbergh High School Navigator, which is the school's course description guide.
STANDARDS-BASED LEARNING TASK FORCE: Committee members then collaborated to develop survey questions and identify priorities related to the investigation of Standards-Based Learning in grades 8-12.
On Monday, Nov. 18, the 8th-12th Grade Standards-Based Learning Task Force, comprised of teachers, parents, students, and administrators, met for the first time to study how standards-based learning could be applied beyond 7th grade. The meeting focused on building a foundation of why and how the district is currently implementing standards-based learning. Task force members gave feedback on information they need to study what’s possible fully. Information being considered for study includes:
- high school models of standards-based learning and grading from other schools
- a survey of Lindbergh students and families in grades K-7 who are currently using standards-based learning
- examples of current Lindbergh High School grading practices
The task force meets again in January and will meet monthly after that. A final recommendation is expected in May of this school year.
The Teaching and Learning Committee provides input on teaching and learning within Lindbergh Schools. This includes learning about current curriculum and instructional practices as well as future-ready practices for instruction. As a part of this committee, members will provide feedback and suggestions for subjects undergoing curriculum revision as well as input on priorities for student learning.
This committee is chaired by Chief Academic Officer Dr. Tara Sparks, Executive Director of Secondary Education Dr. Jaime Cavato, and Executive Director of Elementary Education Dr. Craig Hamby.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, Jan. 7.