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Lindbergh Board of Education Approves Clean Audit Report
December 3, 2024
The Lindbergh Schools Board of Education voted at the Nov. 21 regular meeting to approve its annual completed audit report with no issues or exceptions in any of the audit findings, giving the district a “clean” opinion without reservation. This audit was conducted by independent CPA auditing firm Fick, Eggemeyer and Williamson, and the favorable results are consistent with years of annual audits conducted of the school district's finances and financial practices.
Missouri law states that an audit of all financial, transportation, and attendance records must be completed every two years in public school districts. Lindbergh chooses to bring in an independent firm every year to audit the district’s books.
During the Nov. 19 meeting of the district’s Finance Board Advisory Committee, a representative from Fick, Eggemeyer and Williamson presented the annual audit report in detail and also provided committee members an opportunity to ask questions without district employees present.
“An independent auditor who is not regularly engaged as an employee of the school district performs the examination and ensures it is made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, including such reviews and tests of the system of internal controls and of the books, records and other underlying data.” said Joël Scheible, Chief Financial Officer. “This positive feedback reaffirms for us that we are operating the district’s budget with a high level of accountability and responsibility.”
Lindbergh’s financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information as of June 30, 2024.
Lindbergh’s audit will be viewed in its entirety here.