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Finance Board Advisory Committee Update: April 16, 2024

April 17, 2024

The Finance Board Advisory Committee met on April 16 to discuss finance-related Board of Education agenda items and other topics of importance to the district's finance and operations.

Chief Financial Officer Joel Scheible opened the meeting by sharing election results for Prop R 2024, a $150 million no-tax-rate-increase bond issue that will support building equity across elementary schools, much needed middle school renovations, safety upgrades districtwide and a PK-12 agricultural STEM learning center on the Concord Farmers Club site.

Committee members also reviewed the district's student transportation contract renewal process, which includes improved wages, benefits and value-added benefits such as allowing bus drivers to bring their own children, over the age of two and properly secured, on the bus with them. First Student bus drivers will also be able to enroll their own children in Lindbergh Schools, which is the same privilege as all current Lindbergh employees.

Scheible also discussed the district's most recent ECE Preschool Benchmarking Tuition Comparison, which was conducted in order to set tuition rates for the 2024-25 school year. Committee members also reviewed a summary of April Board of Education finance-related agenda items.

The Finance Advisory Committee's next meeting will be on May 14. 

The Finance Advisory Committee exists to ensure transparency, accountability and efficiency in district finances. Committee members discuss areas covered by the district's fiscal management policies. In addition, the Board of Education will direct the specific responsibilities of the committee to review any matters potentially having a significant impact on district finances before the board takes action. This committee is chaired by Chief Financial Officer Joel Scheible.