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Three Lindbergh schools named 2024 Missouri Schools of Character
Jan. 26, 2024
Lindbergh High School, Sperreng Middle School and Truman Middle School are among 15 area schools that earned this year’s prestigious 2024 Missouri School of Character honor. CharacterPlus®, the longest-running character education initiative in the country, announced the winners on Jan. 26. These schools have demonstrated a focus on character development which has positively impacted academic achievement, student behavior, and school climate.
“LHS, Sperreng and Truman have many notable and wonderful practices in place,” said Dr. Jill Lawson, executive director of assessment and student services. “We are so proud of our school staff, students and community for their dedicated efforts to place character development at the center of students’ school experience.”
Lindbergh Schools is proud to have nine State Schools of Character and eight National Schools of Character. During the 2024 process, the State School of Character review committee provided each Lindbergh school with feedback and highlights, including the following:
Principles highlighted at LHS included strong core values, a caring community and culture of belonging, and meaningful and challenging academics: “Lindbergh High School feels like a college campus with focused, respectful students who are being given multiple opportunities to strengthen their wings before becoming independent.”
Sperreng strengths include core values, a caring community, and shared responsibility for character initiatives among staff: “At SMS, character development is the core of what the school stands for as the entire staff works to help all students achieve the district’s mission, “Excellence in Learning. Designing the Future.”
At Truman, strengths include a proactive and comprehensive approach to character, and student understanding and practice of core values: “Truman Middle School’s core values of Respect, Responsibility, Ownership, Kindness, and Education are evident throughout the building and were known by every student we asked during the site visit. … There are many ways students are given autonomy and develop their leadership skills.”
In the 2024 nationwide evaluation process, conducted by Character.org, 87 schools were named State Schools of Character, one district was named a State District of Character, and two international schools were recognized. CharacterPlus is the Missouri affiliate for the State Schools of Character process and evaluates all Missouri schools and districts that apply. This recognition is given to schools and districts that have achieved a standard of excellence in the area of character development through their exemplary implementation of Character.org’s 11 Principles of Effective Character Education, a framework for whole-school improvement.
Schools named a State School of Character hold the designation for five years and are eligible to be evaluated for recognition as a National School of Character. National Schools of Character are announced annually in May.
The State Schools of Character program in Missouri is managed locally by CharacterPlus. CharacterPlus, located in St. Louis, is a membership-based nonprofit organization committed to equipping school stakeholders with the resources they need to provide high-quality character education.