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Facilities Board Advisory Committee Update: Dec. 14, 2023

Dec. 14, 2023

The Dec. 13 meeting of the Facilities Planning Board Advisory Committee included several topics and updates from district administration, on a variety of topics.

Scott Barbagallo, executive director of facilities and construction, shared the steps Lindbergh Schools will take in 2024 to conduct an inventory of all drinking water outlets and all outlets that are used for dispensing water for cooking or for cleaning of cooking and eating utensils in each of its buildings. This is in compliance with the Missouri legislature's 2022 Get the Lead out of School Drinking Water Act (RSMo 160.077), which sets standards for lead concentrations in school drinking water.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Tony Lake shared an update on two recent sidewalk projects that were completed in partnership with the city of Crestwood and will serve students who attend Crestwood Elementary School and Sappington Elementary School. He also shared architectural photos of the recently completed Lindbergh High School and Idea Center capital improvement projects.

Dr. Lake also discussed preliminary plans for Prop R 2024 projects, pending approval of ballot language by the Board of Education on Dec. 19, and voter approval in April 2024.

Chief Financial Officer Joel Scheible reviewed ongoing Capital Projects, and Barbagallo reviewed the annual summer priorities that are funded out of local operating funds. The Facilities Planning Advisory Committee makes recommendations about facility needs and improvements, instructional design and district enrollment trends.

The committee also reviews and updates Lindbergh's demographic study every two years. This committee is chaired by Chief Financial Officer Joel Scheible and Chief Human Resources Officer Dr. Brian McKenney. Meetings are run by Superintendent Dr. Tony Lake.

The next meeting is March 6, 2023.