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Technology Advisory Committee Update: December 12, 2023

December 12, 2023

During the December 11 technology advisory committee meeting, members continued to give feedback on K-12 student technology use agreements. Committee members offered suggestions on consistent language used in each agreement. AI use at the middle and high school levels was also discussed. The Teaching and Learning department will use the feedback from this meeting to make final revisions to the agreements.

Following those discussions, Dr. Tara Sparks gave committee members background on the technology impact study that was completed in 2020. Students in grades K-8 use iPads, while students in grades 9-12 use Chromebooks. Committee members broke into groups to discuss things that are going well with these devices, questions they'd have for students and staff who use these devices and things that could be improved.

The technology advisory committee will meet again on Jan. 22, 2024.