Lindbergh Food Service

  • Lindbergh Schools has partnered with Southwest Foodservice Excellence to provide students with quality food and nutrition knowledge. SFE believes all students should have access to wholesome and appetizing food, whether it is a full meal or a quick snack. If you have any questions regarding food services at Lindbergh, please contact one of the SFE representatives below.

    Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application Instructions
    Lindbergh Schools participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program, a federally funded program that helps students qualify for free or reduced-price meals. This program also determines the amount of Title I funding we receive for additional academic resources.

    • Free and reduced applications are available on the Infinite Campus portal.
      1. Log in to the Infinite Campus Portal.
      2. Click “More” on the left-hand menu. Then, click “Meal Benefits.”
      3. Click “Meal Benefits Application" and follow the  instructions on the screen.
    • If family or caregiver do not have access to a computer they may request a paper form from the food service department or school.

    Food Service Account Management 

    Smart Snack a la carte items are offered at all schools. These offerings are in addition to the daily mainline meal service. Note: The offerings at the elementary sites are only after the main meals are served, students can return and purchase ala-carte items. Free &/or Reduced lunches do not include any Ala carte items. Only one lunch &/or breakfast per day. (additional Meals will be charged to the students account).  Please see posters in the cafeteria.

    Ala-carte items include bottled water, cookies, chips, extra milk/juice, extra entrees and are at an additional cost.  To purchase a la carte items, students must have adequate funds in their account.  Student meal accounts can be blocked from making purchases (meals and/or a la carte). 

    A daily spending limit can be placed on an account.  To place restrictions on a student’s meal account, contact 

Food Service Team

  • Central Office
  • LHS
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