Power Lunch

    • Lindbergh High School is taking a different approach when it comes to lunch. LHS is joining the growing list of schools that use the Power Lunch concept. All students at the high school will have an hour to eat their lunch approximately halfway through the school day.

    • Within that one-hour block of time, students may eat whenever it is most convenient for them. In addition, several interventions and opportunities will be available to students during the regular school day. In the past, these opportunities were only available after school, which made it difficult for students to participate when they had no way to get home after the buses left.
      During Power Lunch, every teacher in the building will have their lunch divided into two parts. There will be a bell approximately halfway through the Power Lunch break, which signifies when the teachers transition. Half of the teachers will eat during the first half of lunch while the other half eat during the second.
      When teachers are not eating, they will be assigned to other responsibilities, depending on the day of the week. These responsibilities include meeting with students in need, supervising clubs, meeting with their departments for planning, and helping with general supervision.

    • Power Lunch offers several advantages for students:

      • Allowing students a chance to decompress halfway through the school day.

      • It give students additional access to academic support

      • Strengthening relationships: No more worrying whether you have the same lunch as your friend.

      • Teaching real-life skills to students, including self-direction, time management, and responsibility.

      • Increasing the opportunity to participate and connect with the school

      • More time to meet with counselors or take care of school business

      • Opportunities for physical activity in the middle of the day

    Power Lunch Opportunities 

    Students will have the opportunity to do several things during Power Lunch. These include:

    • Social-Emotional and Wellness: support groups, quiet room, counseling, weight room, art open studio, music open studio

    • Academics: library, teacher office hours, study groups, math tutoring, writing center, peer tutoring, study sessions

    • Enrichment: club meetings, weight room, open art studio, open music studio, student-planned activities

    Students may eat at any point during Power Lunch. Otherwise, the most current Power Lunch schedule of activities will be posted on the LHS Power Lunch calendar and on the video monitors in the commons. Students should PLAN AHEAD with their teachers and sponsors so that they are certain of the activities in which they plan to participate each day. There is limited space and availability at some of the activities.

    In order to accommodate the number of students who are able to eat lunch, several changes have been made to the way lunch is structured at LHS. With the completion of the new building, students can now eat lunch outside the cafe in locations other than the two cafeterias or commons. Besides the main cafeterias, students will be able to pick up lunch at the coffee shop and three other quick serve cafes in the building

    Students will be able to access the following areas in the building during Power Lunch:

    • All cafeterias 

    • The library, learning stairs, and lobby

    • The lobby and north cafeteria patios

    • The Expo hallway and Expo collaboration space

    • The band hallway and music rooms

    • The third-floor cafe and collaboration space

    • The second-floor Cafe and walkway

    • The Gold Gym

    • A teacher’s classroom if the teacher permits

    With this increased freedom comes greater responsibility on behalf of our students. Students MUST clean up after themselves and take care of the facilities in order to keep the privilege of Power Lunch. Lindbergh High School is a closed campus where safety is a high priority. Students are not allowed to leave campus during lunch and there are some areas of campus that will be off-limits through the lunch period. Some examples are the athletic fields, locker rooms and the parking lot. If students are not able to live up to the expectations set by the school, Power Lunch is a privilege that could be temporarily or permanently suspended.

    Power Lunch Detention
    Power Lunch is a privilege and it is one that can be taken away if necessary. Students may be assigned to Power Lunch Detention if they do not follow all school rules or expectations.