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Meal Charges Will Resume in 2022-23 School Year

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lindbergh Schools has provided breakfast and lunch free of charge to all students through funding provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This funding is set to expire at the end of the current school year, which means that free meals will no longer be available to all Lindbergh students once the school year concludes on May 20.

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application

It is important that families who qualify for free or reduced-price meals fill out an application for the 2022-23 school year later this summer. The free and reduced-price meals application will be available on the SIS Portal in early August. Families will be notified by email when the form is available.

Why Should I Apply?

The National Free and Reduced Lunch program provides more than just meals for students who qualify. Did you know that school districts receive money each year for every form that is filled out by an eligible family? This educational funding helps us provide meals, lower the cost of activities and reduce fees for students who qualify. 

Filling out a form will not have any impact on your child’s ability to receive free meals this year, but it could result in additional financial assistance for your family. In Lindbergh, those benefits include:

  • 50% reduction in student technology fees
  • 50% reduction in middle school and high school annual activity fee
  • Financial assistance for eligible Lindbergh Community Ed and Rec programs. This includes up to 50% registration reduction for many sports and activities.

Does My Family Qualify?

Not sure if your family qualifies for free and reduced-price meals? The attached document (FNS - Attachment A) from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education includes additional information about eligibility criteria.

We know that taking care of your family can be expensive, even in the best of times, and we are here to help. Please complete your free and reduced-price meal Form.